New projects will be inserted at top of each list.
Software and Tools
The lists contain only bigger personal projects. No clients projects.
See more projects on my GitHub profile.
- Parameters: A C++ program for automatic replacement of variables in configuration files templates from environment variables.
- WalletCpp: A C++ programm to track your finances.
- i8086emu: An Intel 8086 CPU Emulator written in pure PHP.
- Nagios Plugins: Collection of my Nagios Plugins.
- Timr ( Time Tracking for Hackers.
- Flickr CLI: A command-line interface to Flickr. Upload and download photos, photo sets, directories via shell.
- SimpleCov PHPUnit Formatter: PHPUnit-like HTML Formatter for SimpleCov.
- TermKit ( Terminal Model-View-Controller Framework.
- Sengi: A web crawler using Ruby and Redis.
- OSP: Password Manager: One Shall Pass for Command-line.
- MusicBrew ( A Package Manager for Music.
- Cmus Control: Control cmus with Media Keys under OS X.
- ID3dit: ID3 tags editor for the command line written in Ruby.
- Pastebin: Just another CLI script, but you can even login with your user account.
- Wallet: A Ruby library to track your finances.
- Persons: A Person database written in Laravel 5.
Assembly: Assemble x86, i386, x86_64 instructions with PHP.
MachO: PHP project for modifying Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 files. The idea behind this is to crack several software for OS X and release the patch/crack with PHP scripts. Everybody can read the source of PHP scripts if you release it under open source licences. Most of the cracks today are unfortunately infected with trojan horses.
IMAPd: IMAP server written in pure PHP.
SMTPd: SMTP server written in pure PHP.
Tumblr Parser: A Tumblr Theme parser in PHP. Tired of getting sick of Tumblr's online HTML editor for custom themes? With Tumblr Parser you can edit a theme in your favourite HTML editor and render the output in your browser on your own/local server. So you can create themes for Tumblr without editing the HTML in Tumblr's online HTML editor.
Hashcash in PHP: Hashcash implementation in PHP.
PHPChat: A decentralized, peer-to-peer, encrypted chat in PHP. Providing secure real-time chatting with other people.
GPLv3 in Markdown: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 by Free Software Foundation, Inc. converted to Markdown. Read the original GPL v3. For the Markdown documentation visit Daring Fireball.
HTML to Markdown: PHP class for converting HTML to Markdown.
Blackbox: Create and manage AES256 encrypted loop devices (.img files) under Linux.
HTTPDiscover: Find non-linked directories and files on a domain.
HTTPFlood: Tool for flooding HTTP servers under Linux.
SynFlood: Tool for SYN flood attacks.
PHPDL: A webbased download manager for linux server.
dlc2txt: Decrypt .dlc files. Container suck. Really!
Web Projects
These are my projects as services. Abandoned, unmaintained, old projects are listed as well.
Daily Links: A list of links I come across every day.
Personal Annual Reports ( Annual visualized reports of my personal data.
Habanero Weblog ( A weblog about Habanero chilis.
- Just a simple tool for creating MD5 hex hashes.
Status: out of order.
Anonymous Twitter: Service for tweeting anonymously. Without login. Without registration. Formerly You can read the old tweets on Twitter. Maybe I will continue this project some day.
Status: out of order.
Hash Cracker: MD5/NTML/NT hash cracker service. Formerly Is not longer maintained.
Status: out of order.
AntiXSS: Service for fighting against Cross-site scripting. Formerly Is not longer maintained.
Status: out of order.
Tools: A very helpful collection of php scripts which I use nearly every day.
Last update: 2023-03-18