Hi, I'm Christian, a professional software developer living in Vienna, Austria. I love coffee and I'm strongly addicted to music. I'm known for developing automatic data processing systems (backend). Usually on Debian Linux server using programming languages like PHP, Python and C in combination with MySQL, PostgreSQL and Redis. Also a big fan of Git.
On this site, you'll find a mix of things I'm working on and thinking about. Check out what I'm doing now for a snapshot of my current focus, or browse through my Weblog for thoughts, ideas, and updates. Recently I wrote about Rust Alternatives, Mastodon and Project Outlines. I also keep a list of ongoing and past Projects, along with my Portfolio showcasing selected work. If you're interested in my experience and background, my Resume has all the details.
I also have a GPG key since 2015.
Key fingerprint: 2814 B428 8C45 94FF 0BA7 5571 F96E D997 C938 2D47
Read the Imprint.
Last update: 2025-03-19